Utility for the Soul

The Retreat House by Aleksandra Kasuba
Utility for the Soul is an interactive reimagining of Lithuanian-American environment artist Aleksandra Kasuba’s (1923-2019) concept for what she called the Retreat House. The project is a part of a retrospective exhibition Shaping the future. Environments by Aleksandra Kasuba at The National Gallery of Art in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Format: Video game
Genre: Meditative, puzzle
Release date: 2020-12-04
Developer: Weekend Warriors
Publisher: LNDM
Play time: 10-15 minutes
Price: Free
Platforms: iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android and Windows PC
Languages: English, Lithuanian
A MAZE. 2021 / Berlin - Open Screens
BLON 2021 - Presentation (in Lithuanian)
15min - Article (in Lithuanian)
Weekend Warriors
Game design and art direction
Music and sound design
The project is financed and supported by
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